Friday, April 27, 2012

a person of faith

Lately I've met a couple of people who, as part of conversation have told me that they are "a person of faith".  I like it. They didn't say what church, if any, they were affiliated with. They got straight to the important stuff.  I may have to try it out myself sometime.  You know how sometimes you can tell that a person REALLY wants to know if you are a member of the same church they are?  And you know it's because they really don't like people who aren't?  I kind of like to withhold the information, just to torture them a little. Is that wrong?  Next time I think I'll just tell them I'm a person of faith.  Let them put that in their pipe and smoke it!

1 comment:

FiveFrys said...

Marie, you are my kind of gal and you really make me laugh! Looking forward to our ice cream trip!