Sunday, April 28, 2013

still work to do

Grandma will 104 on June 10th of this year, she's always saying that she can't die yet because she still has work to do.  Quite honestly I've laughed a little when she says that because really, what kind of work does a woman her age do?  Yesterday God taught me a little lesson.  We went to the temple and while I was waiting for Grandma to finish in the bathroom a woman approached me and asked if she could hug me.  I was a little surprised, I've never met her before, but I'd seen her in the lobby when we came in and since it was the temple I said "of course" and gave her a big hug.  She held on tight and began to cry.  She thanked me for bringing Grandma.  I told her she should get a hug from Grandma before she left, she said she would wait in the hall.  When we finished in the bathroom Grandma and I stepped into the hall and Grandma gave this woman a hug.  She introduced herself and thanked Grandma for coming to the temple and setting an example for her.  I was touched.  I don't know what was going on in her life or why it was so important to her, but she was clearly touched by Grandma and showed me that Grandma really does still have work to do.  People we meet at the temple frequently tell me how inspired they are by her but none have touched me quite like the stranger we met yesterday.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Women Prayed at Conference...

Quite honestly I never noticed that women weren't saying the prayers at conference, and it never has mattered to me.  All the recent fuss about women praying and about wearing pants is weird to me.  I just don't get it.  I went to a funeral recently and considered wearing pants because it was in the middle of the day on a Monday so wearing a skirt meant I'd be wearing it to work too, and I hate to wear a skirt to work.  I decided to wear a skirt out of love and respect for the friend who had passed away.  I felt that wearing my best was a good way to show my love for him and his family.  A good dressy skirt is still a step up from dressy pants.  So why wouldn't I do the same for God and wear a skirt to church? 

I just realized that I have wandered off topic...I do have a habit of wandering :).  About prayers at just seems like such a non-issue to me that I have a hard time even addressing it.  Really?  Why would anyone care who offers the prayer?  Anyway, if you really pay attention in conference you'll notice that women are well respected within the LDS church. 

So now you know what I think about women praying at General Conference, AND what I think about wearing pants to church!