Sunday, September 19, 2010

going to the temple with Grandma

I've been taking my Grandma to the temple every other Saturday for about 4 years now and I'm beginning to think that the reason she's still alive at 101 is so that she can get me in the habit of going regularly before she dies.

When we started it was just so that we could spend some quality time together and because she loves it so much, it's nice to make her happy. I really had no intention of attending quite so regularly after she passes away, but lately I've been thinking about it a little differently. We go often enough that we know quite a few of the temple workers and have come to love them. A couple of them recently have said that they hope I'll keep coming after Grandma is gone, and it's made me start thinking about what I will do when Grandma is gone. I have felt like it was a sacrifice of my time that I've made for Grandma's benefit and because I wanted to really know her. Yesterday I met a woman who goes to the temple every Saturday and takes her daughters with her. In talking with her about her children I commented that her children seem to be about the same ages as mine, she said, "oh, I've got ten kids, my oldest is 25"....yikes! I thought I didn't have time! So, I guess I better start thinking about what I'm going to do when Grandma can't go with me anymore.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Die Trying

Driving home from work today I was behind a car that had some kind of large musical symbol in the back window (a clef of some kind), I don't know because I am musically illiterate, anyway, I noticed that first. After awhile I noticed some small words at the top of the back with a little effort I could see that it said "DIE TRYING". I pondered this while sitting at the red light and wondered if it was referring to music, or something else, and if so, what? or if it was more of a general statement about always trying to be better, perhaps we should all die trying to be better than are now? I guess I'll never know, but I do like the idea of always trying to be better.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Bel Cantos Choir Tour

Oh my! I started this clear back in May and it's been sitting her soooooooo neglected all this time!

this is the girls preparing to perform/compete by massaging each other

This is their performance at Segerstrom Hall

another view of the stage with the balconies, isn't this beautiful?

the organ solo was incredible!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Tuesday evening at church the local prosecuting attorney spoke to the youth about his experiences serving a mission for the church in Haiti 20 years ago, and then returning after the earthquake there this year. To be honest I really wasn't interested and really didn't want to go, but I didn't have a good excuse so I went and my heart was touched.

The speaker told in vivid detail of poverty and squalor and desperation and of faith. How does a person hold onto faith in anything when living in shacks made of cardboard and sheets? Scrambling for just enough food and water to keep themselves alive day to day? Here I am feeling sorry for myself because both my sliding glass door and my screen door need new door handles and they're so old even the company that made them can't identify them, my oven door needs new hinges, my car has a small oil leak, and I really need to lose weight. problems seem suddenly so insignificant!

Our speaker told of how everyone sleeps outside since the earthquake because they are afraid of being buried in rubble in the event of an aftershock - most do not have tents even, but hang sheets to shade them from the sun, when it rains in the middle of the night they stand up til it stops. Yet even under these conditions they hold family home evening complete with a song, and a prayer, and a lesson. I am ashamed to admit that I can count on one hand the number of times our family has had family home evening in the last 12 months.

It was a humbling experience. I am filled with a new appreciation for all that I have, I am truly blessed. I have a renewed desire to be the best I can be, because I have been reminded of how much I have and what a great advantage that gives me - my focus has been all wrong for a while now. I need to refocus on the things that are truly important, building my relationship with my Heavenly Father and my family.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Grandmother Taylor

My Grandmother Taylor (she preferred to be called Grandmother) left her tired body and went to her heavenly home in February. Her funeral was not a sad event. It was lovely to feel the peace in the room as her sons spoke of her life and the things she taught them. She had been so tired for so long I had forgotten that she was a fun woman at one time. I forgot that she loved to dance, that she gave "cocos", and taught her boys to cook and clean. I didn't realize how many copies of the Book of Mormon she bought and gave away, or that she marked in each one the verses she felt would be helpful.
I do remember: that when I said avocado she said avocate, she crocheted beautiful baby booties and once when she came to visit she made booties tailored to one of my dolls, she tried to teach me to play the piano and to this day I can't read music but I use her trick for following the "skips and steps", she drove a Mustang, she loved music, she loved Spanish, she loved Mexico, she was proud of her children and grandchildren, and her testimony of the gospel was her most prized possession.

This is a family photo taken at Grandpa Taylor's funeral.

This is Grandma with Camille, Doug, and me.

This is Grandma at her 85th birthday party with my sister Chris and her family.

My cute nephews and niece needed to see how deep the hole was... so adorable!

It was a lovely service and much of it was a mix of Spanish and English which I'm sure my dear Grandmother loved!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

A busy week!

Wow - what a busy week it was!
Monday I took my three kids, Lilly's friend, and one of my nieces sledding.

Tuesday was our Personal Progress party at mutual...

Wednesday was a free day!
Thursday was Erin's induction into the National Junior Honor Society...


Friday my Grandma Taylor passed away, which was not unexpected, and was a great relief for her. She had been miserable for quite a long time and was quite eager to see her husband and other loved ones again. We also recieved a call that Tom's stepdad is in the hospital with congestive heart failure, his heart is operating at 16% of Friday was kind of a crazy, emotional day!
Saturday Thomas was asked to carry a state flag for the Simplot Games as a member of the Order of the Arrow, so I took him to that and took some pictures - it was a lot more fun than I thought it would be!

They unfurled this giant American flag from the ceiling (I am so disappointed that I didn't get a picture of that! It was awesome!) and then four Army guys rapelled down from the ceiling in front of the impressive!

Thomas got to lead in the athletes from Utah...and they were a large and rowdy bunch of kids! Pictures of that group are posted on facebook. =)

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Almost 5 years ago we got this adorable puppy from the pound, Tom and Erin named her Spot. She was an adorable little ball of fluff for a year or two and then she began to be a little crazy.

Over the last couple of years it has gradually gotten worse and worse. When Spot has a crazy spell, she starts to breathe hard and then begins to climb, the computer desk, the couch, the book shelves, the entertainment center, the side table, the toilet, the bathroom counter, people, whatever is near. She's a sweet, lovable dog, but crazy as a loon!