Saturday, May 19, 2012

Letting go

I took Grandma to the temple again today, but she's not as well as she used to be so lately we just go to the cafeteria and have lunch.  On the way we passed the Denning's Furnitupe store.  She asked me what "furnitupe" is.  I explained that part of the R broke off leaving what looks like a P.  She said, "oh, I was worried".  I laughed and told her she could relax now that she knows what it is.  A moment later she said "this is me relaxing" I looked over and she was holding her arms up by her face. I laughed and she laughed too.  I'm gonna miss her when she's gone!  Further down the road she said, "cows sent ya?" and then she laughed again...I thought she was being a little crazy until I remembered that there's a Chik fil A billboard right about where she made that comment.  She's still pretty sharp at times, other times you can see her fading away.  Today she told me that she thinks a part fell out and pointed at her head.  I asked her what she was going to do about it and she looked a little confused so I suggested just letting it go, and she agreed.

We had lunch in the cafeteria and visited with several friends. Cindy works in the cafeteria and asked that we come in on June 9th, the day before Grandma's birthday, to have cake.  She asked the cook to put carrot cake on the schedule for that day because it's Grandma's favorite.  Grandma asked several people to pray that she lives another month so she can be there.

Sometimes letting go is hard. 


FiveFrys said...

I've always been jealous of your Saturday tradition with your grandma and I'm glad you take advantage of the time you two have together.

M&B...Brubaker said...

I'm going to miss her too! She is the coolest grandma ever.