Sunday, February 6, 2011

Jesus the Christ, chapters 3&4

Aaaahhhhhh! It gets easier to read! I wonder if it's like Shakespeare, you just have to get familiar with the style of language used in order to read it? I took a Shakespeare class in college and really enjoyed reading it, so a couple of years ago I picked up my old Shakespeare book for a little light reading and found that it was very difficult to read...just like Jesus the Christ was difficult at first.
Chapter 3: "The Need of a Redeemer"
In order for us to progress spiritually we needed to be able to make our own choices, the Eternal Father knew that we would sin. "It was not His design that the souls of mankind be lost; on the contrary it was and is His work and glory, 'to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. (Moses 1:39)'". So it was decided that we would need a Savior, an atonement.
Chapter 4: "The Antemortal Godship of Christ"
I liked this chapter the best so far. First of all I had to laugh when I looked up the word "antediluvial", which means before the great flood, or before Noah (paraphrased of course). I think "before the flood" would have worked just as well.
Anyway, this chapter talks about the Holy Trinity, or as we more commonly call it in our church, the Godhead. We believe that God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are one in spirit and purpose, but separate physical beings and this chapter lays out the scriptural reasons for this belief. It also talks about the names of Jesus and the meaning of them. Very interesting information in this chapter.

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