It's getting interesting!
Chapter 5: Earthly Advent of the Christ Predicted
So, chapter 5 talks about the prophecies regarding the Messiah. Talmage points out that the Bible says the serpent should have the power to bruise the heel of Adam's, but through the seed of the woman should come the power to bruse the adversary's head. It doesn't say through Adam or through man or through Adam AND Eve, it says through the seed of the woman. The only instance of a woman having a child dissociated from mortal fatherhood is Jesus Christ. I thought that was very interesting. So it appears there are prophecies that I have not previously recognized, this being one of them.
Chapter 6: The Meridian of Time
This chapter was probably the most interesting so far (in my opinion anyway) because it explains the Pharisees and Saducees...they have always been a bit of a mystery to me. I have to admit though, that even when they are explained to me, it's still hard to really get it. I think what it boils down to is that they were two groups who interpreted the scriptures differently, and were very opinionated about it! This chapter also explained some of the reasons that the Jews held themselves apart from other people, and explains the reasons they hated the Samaritans.