Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Man Nod

Erin and I were driving home recently when she made awkward eye contact with the man in the car next to us.  This led to a fascinating conversation about "the man nod" which I am going to share with all of you in bloggerland.  Erin informed me that she has broken "the man nod", here it is...drumroll??....if a man gives you the nod in an upward direction it means he has made eye contact and needs to acknowledge it and he feels positively towards you, if he gives you the downward nod, it means he feels obligated to acknowledge your presence but doesn't have a positive feeling about it.

A few days later, Thomas and Lilly pulled into the driveway after a week at Scout Camp just as I was going to my car.  Lilly and I made eye contact...guess what happened??? Yep, she gave me the upward man nod.  She insists it was not a "man" nod, just a nod...but really, how many women do the nod??? I think 7 weeks surrounded by Boy Scouts has taken it's toll.   On the bright side, it was an upward nod...

1 comment:

FiveFrys said...

Your girls crack me up