Saturday, December 24, 2011

Moving on

I decided this week that I am finally ready to move on....that means it's time to get the ugly stuff over with and file those pesky divorce papers.  So yesterday I went to the courthouse and signed up for the divorce workshop which is actually a great deal, for $40 they'll help me get the papers all ready to go, much cheaper than the $3500 retainer most of the attorney's in town are asking for.

Sometime in the near future (about 2 months from now) I should be single for the first time in 20 you have any idea how scary that is???  Yikes!  I don't even know how to date anymore and I really don't want to!  However, since I also don't want to be single the rest of my life I've got to go into this with a I started thinking about what I've learned from my marriage and what I want in a future husband (I feel like an awkward teenager again).

I'm a little excited actually at the opportunity to start fresh and to maybe find someone wonderful to share the rest of my life with.  I used to think that single men my age were all losers, but I've met some recently that give me hope!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Breaking up is hard to do...

Ugh...really hard to do.  In fact it sucks.  It means letting go of the future we've been planning for nearly 20 years.  It means that my family is broken.  My heart is broken too.  It feels like failure.  I always thought that people got divorced because they didn't love each other anymore...guess what? Sometimes people who get divorced still love each other, it's just time to cut your losses and go your separate ways because it will never work.  That's where we are now.  and it sucks.  just in case you forgot.  It means that sometimes I pretend that my heart isn't breaking just so that he will keep walking away, because in the long run it's better that way.  It means that sometimes I have to be cold and protect both of us...because being nice just prolongs the agony. Sometimes I cry unexpectedly.  Like now.  I've been thinking about this post for weeks now, so I didn't expect to cry while typing it.  SUCKY.  I hate crying, it gives me a headache.  So, I will be filing the papers the first week of January.  I don't think the worst is over yet, so please be patient with me.  :)