Monday, August 15, 2011

independent thinking

One of my pet peeves is when people tell me that I don't think for myself. It's like Marty McFly in the Back to the Future movies when someone calls him chicken...remember that? He gets all wound up and acts kind of crazy? Yep, I'm a little like that. So recently one of my cousins and one of my sisters both told me that I don't make my own decisions that I let the church tell me what to do and think!!! ARRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH! I admit, it makes me see red. Those who know me well know that isn't true. But, I decided I would post an excerpt from my personality profile ordered by my completely non-religious employer. Here it is:

"Once she has arrived at a decision, she can be tough-minded and unbending. She has made her decision after gathering much data, and she probably won't want to repeat the process."

So there.


FiveFrys said...

Marie, you make me laugh!! "So there" and FYI I think you are an independent thinker :)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I finally decided to read this. Your employer is right. That is true of all mormons. They gather the facts that mormonism gives them, they make their decision to believe and it's done. Their decision to follow whatever their religion tells them to do has been made. No more information will be gathered (from other sources), no more decisions will be made. Love you.