Thursday, March 3, 2011

Jesus the Christ, Chapter 7

I read chapter 7 today and I have to say it was the most interesting chapter so far! Chapter 7 is "Gabriel's Annunciation of John and Jesus" and tells the story of Gabriel announcing to Zacharias that he and his wife would be having a baby...I really have to laugh at the idea that Zacharias is talking to an angel and doesn't believe what the angel is telling him. Really? He's a priest, standing in the Holy of Holies, talking to an angel, and he doesn't believe him? Wow. So he asks for a sign and gets one...he can't talk til the baby is named! I love it, some days I wish my husband would get the same sign...oops...did I just say that in a public forum? =)
Then Gabriel goes to Mary and tells her she's going to have a baby, and she's pretty cool about it. She didn't ask for a sign! What really stood out to me though, was Joseph's reaction. For some reason when I read this I suddenly wondered about what it must have been like to be in his shoes. The woman he loves tells him she's having a baby that's not his, in fact, it's God's baby, the promised Messiah. I think he believed her, but I think he didn't feel worthy to be the stepfather of the Son of God. Can you imagine the responsibility of that? Wow.

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