Saturday, December 19, 2009

Thomas's Eagle Court

One whole year after the Eagle project was completed and almost 6 months after his Eagle was actually awarded, we finally held the Eagle Court! Tom and I are SO proud of our great son! The Eagle Court was Thanksgiving weekend to maximize the number of family members present.

The picture below is Thomas with his two sisters and two of his cousins.

Much as I hate to see pictures of myself (the view from the inside looking out is dramatically different than what shows up in photographs!), this is a photo of Thomas with Tom and me.

Thomas with Grandma and Grandpa Taylor.

Thomas with my Grandma.

This is Halli Stone who was Thomas's Cub Scout leader and the only speaker at his Eagle Court. On the other side of Thomas is Shane Ackerschott, who served as the Master of Ceremonies. They both did a great job, many thanks to both of you!

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