Thursday, September 3, 2009

underwater handstands!

I went swimming with my two girls and two neighbor girls tonight. It was lovely to get in the water and swim! The high school swim teams were practicing so I didn't get a lane, but the "public" part of the pool was pretty empty so we were free to do as we pleased. I participated in an underwater handstand competition and am pleased to say that I held my own with the 10-14 year old girls!

One of the swim teams had several inspirational quotes on a whiteboard and one really popped out at me. It said, "To have what you have never had, you must do what you have never done.". I keep wondering what I can do that I have never done...hmmm...something to think about!

1 comment:

Lilly Ryan said...

You only beat me at the contest because I didn't take a big enough breath! :D