Friday, June 29, 2012

a plethora of pregnancies

Good golly Miss Molly!  Lots of pregnant women around lately!  Jolie has been posting on facebook about her morning sickness, which makes me grateful for two things, one: that I never actually threw up with any of my pregnancies, and two: that I will never be pregnant again!  At work today I almost literally ran into the pregnant girl who works downstairs as I was going into the bathroom, looking at her belly (she's due like any minute), I remembered some of the discomforts of the later stages of pregnancy and was again very grateful that I will not be doing that again!

I do enjoy babies, but I have finally reached that stage of life where I am perfectly happy to play with other people's babies!  So Jolie, when that baby arrives I'll be over for hot chocolate and a baby fix!  And dearest Melissa, you really need to come back to Idaho so Peter can be with his favorite auntie!

1 comment:

M&B...Brubaker said...

Ha! I know. I'm really starting to miss having family around now, it sure would be nice to have some aunties and cousins around to hold my baby. You guys are missing all of it...he's growing so fast!