Friday, June 22, 2012

Being Single

I've begun to see the advantages of singleness....I read an article the other day that expressed it very well. Here's a quote:

You know what is really easy? Being single. Yes, there are some things you have to deal with as a single person: loneliness, independence, no children, lack of physical affection, the whole eternal salvation question . . . but these issues aside, I have mastered the art of being single. It is not hard.

In fact, it is way easier than dating. I know what I want. I know what I need to do and how I want to be dealt with on any given night. I know what TV shows I want to watch and which I want to record on my DVR. I don’t ever have to wonder about my feelings or if I need to me more sensitive to myself or if I need to spend more time showing myself how I feel about myself.

And click here  for the whole article, in case you're interested.

I was talking to a friend yesterday about this, she just got married after being single for about 2 years.  She was saying that it's an adjustment to be married again.  I think I might have a hard time adjusting to marriage too.  I feel like I was living like a single person in many ways for most of my 20 year marriage because Tom didn't want to do anything for so long that I started just doing whatever I wanted and left him home on the couch.  I would like to be married again though, there are things I miss...I've probably said this before, but the first thing that comes to mind is having someone to warm my cold toes in bed at night!  Tom used to just LOVE that...and if you believe that I've got some oceanfront property in Idaho to sell ya...

1 comment:

FiveFrys said...

You crack me up! I love reading your posts.