Sunday, October 28, 2012

Single Adult Activities...

I recently attended my first single adult activity.  I decided since I couldn't get anyone to go with me that my first event (all by myself) would be a fireside.  I thought that since I'd be going alone it wouldn't be too bad to sit alone in the chapel.  I deliberately went a little late so I could go into the chapel after the meeting had started and miss the pre-meeting socializing, but not so late that I missed the opening prayer and would be REALLY noticeable.  It worked like a charm.  I walked in and the only seats available were next to men sitting alone or on the "widow's pew"....I opted for the widow's pew, didn't want to give any men the idea that I was interested without first determining if they were worthy of interest, if you know what I mean!  The one thing I hadn't counted on was refreshments.  When everyone started filing out to the gym for refreshments I had a dilemma...go in all alone and try to find someone to talk to or just head for home.  I sat in the pew watching people leave and looking for someone I might be able to make friends with, when I realized the woman in front of me was doing the same thing.  When she turned my way I introduced myself and told her she was my new friend, like it or not. She said that would be great!  We went into refreshments together.  They had arranged the seating in the gym in circles and all the circles were full except one, where a man was sitting alone.  We sat with him....oh my....he was bitter, negative man.  We have nicknamed him Ned because of his negativity.  When we headed to the parking lot we stopped to visit in front of somebody's truck, I assumed it was Sharee's and I think she must have thought it was mine, but eventually a man came out to drive it away and stopped to visit for a few minutes, he was very friendly and positive and restored our hope that there might be some interesting single men in Idaho.  Sharee and I visited for quite awhile and found that we have a lot in common, so we decided to tackle the single scene's so nice to have a friend to go to the meat market with, I mean, single events!

The next event we went to was a dance...oh my!  I was worried I'd be a wallflower but I danced a lot...with old men.  On the bright side, old men can really dance and I'm learning some new dance moves!  Ned was there and we watched him follow around a couple of tall blondes, and may or may not have formed some opinions about what kind of man he is.  We met a man named Larry who drives an old limo with American flags on the roof and in each window, along with Romney/Ryan do we know what he drives?  Well he took us out to see it of course.  Sharee and I agreed, there was NO WAY we were getting in that car if he offered us a ride! So Larry was a little odd, but a decent dancer, however after Jennifer danced with him (Jennifer is another new friend) she told us he'd been telling her about conversations he'd had with Michael the archangel (one of the reasons we will not get in his car).  I have tried to find a photo of a car like his to post, but no luck...drat.  Poor Sharee danced with a man named Kevin who didn't want to let her go (who can blame him?) but unfortunately she wasn't quite brave enough to say no so she ended dancing about 6 dances in a row with him.  Jennifer and I met a couple of men while she was dancing and Jason was kind enough to cut in and give her a chance to break free!  When  Jason and Paul came in we thought they looked a little weird and well, maybe they are a little, but very nice and we had some fun playing games on Paul's tablet (he's a gamer).

1 comment:

FiveFrys said...

Meat Market?! LOL! That's funny! I'm glad your getting out there and having fun.