Sunday, July 29, 2012

I can do hard things

Very early this morning a young woman gave birth to a stillborn baby boy.  I don't know her name, but I met her baby briefly.  My sweet friend, Jolie, volunteered to photograph him so his mother would have some small memory to hold onto until she gets to hold him again. It was an experience that I really don't have words to describe.  There was a tender peacefulness in the room as Jolie and I worked to create memories, the nurses called this little man by name, and we could overhear them trying to find small ways to help his mother.  We went along when they took him to his mama, to photograph her with her baby, the only photos she will have with him.  It was such a private moment, yet I did not feel out of place.  As I sit here writing about this, it occurs to me that the feeling in that room was much like what I feel in the temple.  It is like being wrapped up in love.  The love of this young mother for her baby, her mother's love for her, and the love of the Savior for all of them was almost tangible.

I took my camera but never took it out of it's case.  I felt that this was so private that it would have been inappropriate.  I couldn't really express that at the time, but I would describe the photos as intimate, and the mother should be the one to decide who sees them.


FiveFrys said...

This post made me cry, but thank you for sharing. It makes me so thankful for my life.

Marie said...

It makes me cry too. Yesterday afternoon I got to hold a one month old baby and it helped me feel better. I kissed my own son and felt so thankful that he was born alive, tonight I watched my 3 year old nephew dancing to the music at Bar J and I teared up again for this mother who will never see her son dance. It comes to mind at unexpected moments, but really does make me feel more grateful for the blessings in my life.