Saturday, December 24, 2011

Moving on

I decided this week that I am finally ready to move on....that means it's time to get the ugly stuff over with and file those pesky divorce papers.  So yesterday I went to the courthouse and signed up for the divorce workshop which is actually a great deal, for $40 they'll help me get the papers all ready to go, much cheaper than the $3500 retainer most of the attorney's in town are asking for.

Sometime in the near future (about 2 months from now) I should be single for the first time in 20 you have any idea how scary that is???  Yikes!  I don't even know how to date anymore and I really don't want to!  However, since I also don't want to be single the rest of my life I've got to go into this with a I started thinking about what I've learned from my marriage and what I want in a future husband (I feel like an awkward teenager again).

I'm a little excited actually at the opportunity to start fresh and to maybe find someone wonderful to share the rest of my life with.  I used to think that single men my age were all losers, but I've met some recently that give me hope!


Anonymous said...

Hope you find someone great. :)

M&B...Brubaker said...

You deserve someone great. I know he's out there. Don't be afraid to be's not scary it's an adventure! Something big is just around the corner for you, I can feel it. I'm excited about this new chapter in your I mean your life ;)