Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Oh my! My sweet daughter asked me one day about how cattle are killed for food, and I knew I was treading on dangerous can you not be when a 16 year old girl asks something like that? But it is one of my personal "Mom Rules" to always answer the question, even when it's a loaded one. So I explained it to the best of my knowledge (I admit that it's limited knowledge), and my precious girl promptly announced that she was going to be a vegetarian. Hmmm...I wondered how long her committment would last. Well, that was almost two months ago and she remains very committed to her new lifestyle. Even in the face (poor word choice?) of her Dad's famous grilled steaks which she has LOVED since she was old enough to chew.
I am amazed at how many people have given her a lot of crap about it...really? In the year 2011 people still get buggy about vegetarianism? What is up with that? Granted, we do live in Idaho, but still...I thought the world was a little more enlightened. Why can't a teenage girl try out a lifestyle choice like this without cringing everytime someone finds out? My aunt and uncle came to visit and she didn't want them to know because she was afraid they'd give her the same crap she's gotten from her uncles and grandpa and various other adults. SIGH. She may give it up tomorrow, or she may never give it up. No matter what she decides, she has my support. I just need to find some new recipes and learn some new habits to accomodate her.


FiveFrys said...

I'm surprised your animal loving Erin isn't joining her sister! I googled 'vegetarian recipes' once and got a lot of really yummy ideas, you should try it.

Marie said...

Erin would be a vegetarian except that she LOVES bacon and Nathan's hot dogs!